How to Start Writing Articles Using ChatGPT
When ChatGPT was launched, many people said it would replace content writers.
But did that actually happen? You probably know the answer. The truth is that it hasn’t replaced content writers; it has made them more efficient. That’s why many big companies have invested in the paid versions to make the most of this tool.
Today, I met a guy who works as a content marketer at G2, a leading name in B2B SaaS. I thought that a well-known company like G2 wouldn’t allow the use of ChatGPT or might even have removed content writers. But that didn’t happen. Instead, they provide their employees with premium versions of ChatGPT to help increase productivity.
So, how to leverage ChatGPT to write contents?
Recently, I also started writing content on Medium about B2B SaaS. So, do I just ask ChatGPT to write an article on a specific topic?
The answer is a big “no.”
Then, what do I do?
I use ChatGPT to …………..:
- Research the market and competitors
- Find trending topics and relatable contents
- Make the paragraphs clearer
- Check for grammar
How do it started?
Firstly, I chose my niche, In the past, I tried to be everything to everyone, which was my biggest mistake. This time, I wanted to focus on being “something for someone.” So, I made a list of the things I am good to help me choose a niche. From there, I realized that I enjoy working in B2B SaaS and do have experience in it.
Once I chose my niche, the next important question was how to start writing.
So, how do I write? I made a list of topics (atleast some) related to my niche and bookmarked it so I wouldn’t forget.
How do I create the list of topics? I brainstorm what is trending and use Google searches and ChatGPT to find the popular topics people are interested in. You can use Quora, Reddit etc as well to see what people are looking forward for.
So, if I’ve to write about a topic, I follow these steps:
- Pick one topic.
- Write bullet points based on my own experiences.
- Spend time reading related blogs to make sure I don’t miss anything.
- Write bullet points based on what I learned from those blogs.
Then, where does ChatGPT come in?
Wait a moment!
Here’s how I use it: when I start writing the article, I use ChatGPT to rephrase each paragraph after I write it, so it’s clear and grammatically correct.
One thing I recommend is not to use ChatGPT on the entire article at once because it might make the writing sound too much like AI. To give it a more human touch, try rephrasing and checking grammar after each paragraph instead of doing it all at once.
You might have seen on Linkeldn, when people use ChatGPT to write posts the writing often sounds very general or robotic.
Does that kind of content interest you enough to read it?
The answer is again a “no.”
So, what are you waiting for - choose your niche, start writing today and leverage the best use of ChatGPT.